It is the event seminar plan that Niigata esthetician therapist cooperative starts. Please refer for the one with the interest anytime. I inform the details in homepage Facebook as soon as I am selected.

2019 event seminar plan


June 26

A.I understand the good poorness of the therapist by towel work! “Basics (product for engineers) of the towel work”

B.[the second] a “hygiene management” seminar (product for engineer, managers) for certification salon qualification


The beginning of July

A.Original menu “Murakami tea treatment class” for pulling in customers using the special product in Niigata (product for engineers)



B.”Pulling in customers, a personnel training seminar” by hot pepper beauty academy (plan beautiful story party after )※ seminar for managers.)


September 25

A.[the third] a “hygiene management” seminar (product for engineer, managers) for certification salon qualification

B.First Natural apothecary “Neil’s yard” aromatherapy special seminar (product for engineers) of the U.K.



“Pulling in customers, the personnel training seminar for salon prosperity” by the axis state Co., Ltd. (plan beautiful story party after )※ seminar for managers.)


From the end of November to the beginning of December

A.Will a teacher of the extreme popularity come this time? “Mr. Oyama seminar” (provisionally) (product for engineers)

B.Let’s heap up Niigata by salon interchange! “NETH beautiful story society party” (new business, owner, engineer, product for all the members)


January, 2020

“Let’s get ready to meet an overseas visitor” (tentative name) for 2,020 years for therapist estheticians


March, 2020

First Korea non-illness care (plan) “to be beautiful from a body”, and to learn from Korea medicine

※The schedule is a plan. Because there is the case of the change, thank you for your understanding. ※Names may be the change. I inform the details in homepage Facebook at any time.