In the Niigata esthetician therapist cooperative, I perform various business.

Certification salon system

As a group of esthetician therapists of Niigata, the fitness of the industry plans becoming it and starts the certification salon system of the Niigata esthetician therapist cooperative (NETH) to have you enhance relief and trust from a visitor more.

Specifically, it is this

Murakami tea treatment

“Niigata therapy” to make use of a local special product of splendid Niigata by the Niigata esthetician therapist cooperative, and to contribute to the area from beauty and health. I learn a meaning and the technique of the tea leaf therapy that the first used “the Murakami tea” created in 茶処 of the northern limit, Murakami-shi as a message to the guests inside and outside the prefectures abundantly well and am a lecture to acquire a qualification.

Specifically, it is this

Beautiful story society

I hold a social gathering called “the beautiful story society” as a salon manager, the salon staff, various including the person who is interested in beauty and a place exchanging information. I can interchange now through the association including the present conditions of a trouble and the salon holding. The one having time has you participate by all means, and do you not exchange information in various ways?

Specifically, it is this

Various seminars

There are an event and the seminar that Niigata esthetician therapist cooperative informs. I guide the event seminar that the general person who is interested in a salon manager and the salon staff, beauty can participate in through the year. I inform the details in our homepage Facebook at any time.

Specifically, it is this